Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My forecast for today is correct for the most part. We have yet to see any sort of precipitation, but the clouds seem to be changing from cirrostratus to stratus, so there still may be some precipitation on the way. As far as today goes, it is similar to yesterday and is 42 degrees F. There is a strong SSW wind, which makes it a bit chilly. It's partly cloudy with cirrostratus clouds, but as noted above I believe the clouds are becoming more stratus. As far as tomorrow goes, I think it will be very similar to today.

Monday, March 14, 2011


It is pretty mild outside today. The temperature is currently 37 degrees. There is a strong SSW wind, making it feel more like 29 degrees. The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly! I predict that tomorrow will be a bit warmer, but with the SSW wind we have today there may be some precipitation in store for tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today is slightly warmer than yesterday. Currently it is 38 degrees out with a calm NE wind. There is complete cloud cover and I believe they are stratus clouds. There should not be any precipitation for today. However, tomorrow we will have lots of snow! Hopefully this will be the last snowfall of the winter.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Currently it is a mild 32 degrees. There is complete cloud cover, and I believe they are stratocumulus. There is a weak SW wind. We may see some snow fall later on this afternoon. Tomorrow will be relatively the same as today.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

More Snow :(

Sadly it is currently snowing in Eau Claire. It is 24 degrees out and there is a strong SE wind. There is also complete cloud cover, and I'm predicting that it will continue to snow for the rest of the day and night. I believe we have this precipitation because of a high pressure system in our area. My forecast for tomorrow is morning snow showers, but a but warmer temperatures later on during the day.